We joined the art/health class at Roaring Fork High School sharing our Awareness Photography adventures.
"Having an experienced, professional photographer lead our class virtually over a series of six classes will be an invaluable learning experience. Cath Adams demonstrated photography skills using a Paper Camera, which is a cross between the pinhole camera and digital photography, and how to transfer the images on watercolor paper.Cath shared a creative approach to utilizing the art of photography and storytelling as a tool to explore and connect with yourself, others, and the world around you in a more profound sense of awareness.Each student has the opportunity to utilize mixed media along with the image in the final product. The final artworks are displayed in the community art show." - Guinevere Jones Art/Health Teacher at Roaring Fork High School
The Process of Appreciation
"The process of walking around and fully appreciating my environment and the people around me, I got to experience the natural interaction with people when you take the time to connect" - Photography and words by Edie O'Byrne age 14
Street Photography
The streets are a canvas, and our cameras translate reality into captivating visuals. Let's celebrate the "realness" of every street corner we encounter.
We redefine the art of photography by receiving images rather than simply taking them, using this medium to reflect our stories and experiences. We believe that through this innovative approach, photography becomes a powerful outlet. A Yampah Mountain High School, we explored the power of creativity with the style of various camera types, image transfers and mixed media into our final project of sharing our VOICE!
road trip
The Adventure Begins
High School
"I want in" "Art" "Path to life" "A lot going on in my mind" "High school" "A calm perspective" "Song is my language"
"My images are a song with a message. Not about me but about a girl and how a guy describes her in a cute way" - Bridget high school teen (photos and words)